
In 2017, we created Let’s Do It, so that our clients could work in a faster and more comfortable way with our team. Throughout this time we set out to release these tools for all those who, like us, work remotely and need to have active communication with their clients.

In 2018, we presented Bee at the WebSummit in Lisbon and we had very good feedback. Bee offers these functionalities for work teams:

● Create multiple teams
● Invite collaborators to your team
● Invite clients to your teams
● Internal communication and communication with the client
● Internal tasks and tasks for your clients
● Measuring progress
● Share files
● Email notifications
● Email Updates
● Reply to the platform from your email
● Access page for your team
● Personalized page for your team (beta)
● Integration with Google Drive (beta)
● Notifications by SMS (beta)

And much more to come!